The ‘get back on track’ workout

20 April 2017 by
First published: 20 January 2016

Over the Christmas period you might have taken a little break from exercise, so why not try the ‘get back on track’ workout?

Getting back into your fitness groove is easier said than done, and once you’ve lost momentum, it can sometimes be hard to regain it. That’s why we’re here to help.

With this basic but challenging routine, you can reintroduce your body to working out safely and effectively.

Perform each move for 30 seconds at a challenging pace – around 80 per cent of your effort. Once each move has been performed once through, take a minute’s rest and repeat two or three times.

Squat and press

Hold a dumbbell in front of each shoulder.

With feet hip-width apart, squat down as low as possible, keeping knees over toes and heels planted. Keep your chest up.

Extend back to the start, using the upwards momentum to push the dumbbells up to the ceiling.

Lower and repeat.

Bent-over row

With your body bent over at your hips, hold a barbell shoulder-width apart with both hands, arms extended towards the floor.

Row the barbell up to your ribcage.

Lower and repeat.

2-point box

Start with your hands under shoulders and knees under hips so your body is in a box position.

Extend your right arm and left leg off the floor without tilting your hips.

Hold. Repeat on the opposite side.


Stand with a barbell in front of you on the floor.

Lower yourself to take hold of the barbell with both hands, keeping a natural arch in your lower back and your shoulders back.

Extend to lift the barbell off the floor, keeping your back strong.

Lower and repeat.


Start in a straight-arm plank position with hands just wider than shoulders.

Bend your arms to lower your chest towards the ground, keeping your body in a straight line.

Push back up to the start and repeat.


Start in a plank position on your elbows, keeping your tailbone tucked under, neck long and body in a straight line.
