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Maximise your spin class
First published: 7 April 2015

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If your honeymoon period with the stationary bike is coming to an end, rekindle the fire with Boom Cycle’s Hilary Gilbert’s tips on how to maximise your spin class. It’s revolutionary.
Get your bike set up correctly
If your bike is not set up correctly you risk being uncomfortable, sacrificing power and performance and even risking injury. Obviously, no one wants to be uncomfortable. If your bike seat is too high, you risk overextending your knee and if your bike seat is too low, you risk knees to your face!
Wear bike shoes with cleats
Wearing cleats will give you more stability, control and power – and therefore, a better workout. I had always found that with trainers, I am constantly worrying about whether or not my feet will slip out of the straps rather than focusing on the instructor. Cleats also give you more control on the upswing of your pedal stroke. Clipping in can be annoying at first, but your instructor can help you at first and you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
Drink water
Hydrate before, during and after your class. The amount you will sweat in an indoor cycling class is likely more than you thought you ever would in your whole life, and you even lose moisture through breathing through your mouth. Dehydration is nasty and very harmful to your body – just don’t go there.
Wear the right clothes
You will get hot if you have lots of clothes on – obviously. If it’s winter you can get away with an ankle-length legging – I love the selection that Active In Style has: activeinstyle.co.uk. If it’s summer, be sure to wear a pair of bike shorts (you can wear them under running shorts if you wish) as anything shorter will cause chafing of the upper thighs against the saddle. For tops, I suggest tanks or crops. Wear only moisture-wicking fabric as well as it holds the sweat away from the skin. Oh, and bring a towel if your studio doesn’t offer them.
If you are new, arrive early
Allow yourself enough time to check in for your class, get dressed, put your stuff in your locker, get water and shoes, find and set up your bike, clip in your shoes, go through the basics and chat about any questions or injuries you may have that you need to make the instructor aware of. You don’t want to rush any of these things and you don’t want to run into a class that has already started – in fact, some studios will not allow you to do so. A rushed experience is never a good one.