Incline stability ball press-up

5 August 2014 by
First published: 6 August 2014

Press-ups too easy for you? Throw in an extra challenge with the incline stability ball press-up

Press-ups are an awesome bodyweight move. Not only can you pretty much do then anywhere without any kit, but they’re super effective, too. They work the upper body – mainly the chest and triceps, although the shoulders and upper back get a good workout, too – but also require holding plank position throughout, so your core doesn’t get off lightly, either.

The only problem with this amazing exercise, though, is that because it’s so great, we sometimes overdo it. Then our bodies get used to it and they can become either easy or less effective. The solution? Just throw a stability ball into the mix. Not only does the angle of the move help to recruit different muscles, but it also makes the exercise less stable, forcing you to engage your core even more.

Start in plank position on your hands, with feet on a stability ball.
Bend your arms and lower your chest as low to the floor as possible.
Push back up to the start and repeat.

Top tips:
Look at the space between your hands throughout.
Don’t strain the neck.
Keep your body in a straight line throughout.
Don’t overarch the lower back.