Are you addicted to the gym?

7 October 2015 by
First published: 15 November 2014
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3. Status update, please

Your facebook feed used to be filled with slightly tipsy selfies of nights of smiles and laughter. This was back in the day when you had a life. PGA – Pre Gym Addiction. Remember those days when weekends were about squeezing in as much fun as possible. Now all you’re interested in squeezing in is more reps! Your social media feed is now full of smug status updates. Checking in at the gym. Time spent in gym, tagging the receptionist at said gym, personal bests, classes attended, runs accomplished and sweaty pained selfies with your personal trainer. Your Mum has begun to question why you are always out running with some chap called Strava and wants to know his credentials. Do I need to get a hat darling…….?

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