7 ways to make your workouts more fun

8 July 2014 by
First published: 19 March 2014

Lacking inspiration? Bored? Unmotivated? Boost your fitness mojo with these 7 ways to make your workouts more fun

1. Grab a mate
Working out with a buddy is guaranteed to up the fun factor of your workouts. They’ll act like your personal cheerleader – having a good giggle or gossip when you need a distraction, building you up when you’re feeling low and (if you pick the right mate) helping you to push yourself that little bit harder in every session.

2. Update your playlist
Listening to the same workout tracks you’ve had on your iPod for the last five years is a guaranteed snoozathon. Spend half an hour this weekend compiling a new playlist – you’ll be amazed at what it does for your motivation.

3. Treat yourself to a new workout wardrobe
Ok, so it may not exactly make the workout more fun, but it will help to lift your mood, your confidence and your motivation to get to the gym in the first place. Check out the latest sport luxe here. 

4. Switch up your routine
If you’ve been doing the same old workout routine for a few months, it’s time for a change. Not only can doing the same thing week in week out be dull, but you’re also less likely to see results as your body will have adapted to the challenge weeks ago. Change up as little or as much as you fancy, whether that’s starting a new weights regime, trying a new class or switching your running sessions for cycling.

5. Take it outside
The great outdoors has so much to offer – from beautiful scenery to challenging hills – so if you’re feeling claustrophobic in a stuffy gym it’s time to break free and get out there.

6. Get your rave on
Disco and rave workouts are popping up everywhere. And who doesn’t love a party, right? Get your neon gear on and head into the darkness for workouts that will get those endorphins pumping and that sweat dripping. Our faves are Fitness Freak Raves and cycling at Boom Cycle.

7. Try a new sport
Playing sport is a great way to keep fit without even realising you’re exercising. If you struggle to push yourself in the gym, you might find you have less trouble hitting an all-out sprint when it comes to running someone down on the hockey pitch or stretching for that all important point in your tennis game. Been a while? Check out Back to Hockey, Back to Netball or Dodgefit to get involved in sport again.