5 reasons we love the gym at Christmas

7 December 2015 by
First published: 14 December 2015

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Often all the excitement of this time of year means that diet and exercise go out the window.

Before you reach for that fourth glass of mulled wine, think about all the effort you have made this year. Don’t ruin that hard work with one overindulgent Christmas season. Go to your office party, and have a mince pie now and then, but if you still try to keep up with your exercise routine you’ll thank yourself come January. There are plenty of great reasons to hit the gym this time of year. Here they are…

It’s quiet

You’ve got your new workout gear on, playlist picked out and your killer workout planned to a tee. You’re all ready to go but when you hit the gym it’s packed, all the equipment you wanted to use is busy, and your motivation falls a little flat. One of the best things about hitting the gym during the festive season is that while everyone is in bed nursing their hangovers and bloated bellies from last night’s over-indulgence, the gym is your playground. Gyms tend to be much quieter during the Christmas period as people stop prioritising working out, so beat the January rush and have the gym to yourself this Christmas.

It’s warm

While we love working out, we are not such big fans of the unpredictable winter weather. Frost, rain and snow, alongside the darker winter days, all make cosying up in front of the TV and skipping your outdoor workout an enticing option. The great thing about the gym is that it is warm. With no unpredictable weather, you can get a great workout in without risking frostbite.

You can get a head-start

Summer bodies are built in the winter. While the chunky knits and cocoon coats of winter may hide a multitude of sins, summer will be around faster than you know. If you have fallen off the bandwagon during the festive season it will be a lot of hard work to get your summer body back on track. So stick with the workout over Christmas. We aren’t advising burpees on Boxing Day (unless you want to), but just try and keep active and hit the gym regularly.

It helps you beat the bugs

Exercise can stop you from getting sick. Getting your heart pumping in a good sweaty gym session helps to boost your body’s defences against viruses and bacteria. It also helps boost your immunity. So keep up regular exercise to avoid getting ill over Christmas.

It’s a stress buster

Everyone loves spending time with friends and family over Christmas, but with the pressures of organising presents and coordinating the cooking of the big dinner, it can be a stressful time. Working out releases feel-good endorphins. So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, why not hit the gym for a great session to restore your festive cheer?