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5 future of fitness predictions
First published: 28 June 2016

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We’ve gazed into our crystal ball and seen these 5 future of fitness predictions.
The future of fitness is here. Gyms have either got bigger and swankier with larger weight and cardio sections than ever, or smaller and more niche, attracting a select few who look for dark, underground spaces where they serve up club-like spin sessions and vegan shakes in equal measure. Workout fashion is on the move, too – no longer a shorts and a t-shirt affair but something to take time over choosing; matching your sports bra to your capris, then posting your look on Instagram with the ‘what I wore’ hashtag.
Perhaps, though, the biggest player to sky-rocket the fitness industry into a new sphere altogether was technology. It was a natural fusion, of course. Fitness and technology were, by this point, ingrained into our generation so it made sense to combine the two. Wearable technology burst onto the scene in 2013 with the FitBit Flex and the world was amazed. A watch that can track your hard work at the gym? It was what we had all been waiting for. Since then, as we’ve run faster and HIIT harder, tech has got smarter. So what’s the future of fitness today?
Technogym Skill Mill
We’re sure we’re not the only ones who have noticed this machine cropping up more and more recently. The newest addition to most gyms, the Technogym Skill Mill elevates the regular treadmill to new heights for a completely engaging all-round workout experience. Having long been the official fitness equipment supplier to the Olympics, Technogym says the Skill Mill is inspired by athletes, yet designed for everyday gym-goers to improve their power, speed, stamina and agility, and offer them the chance to enjoy the benefits of professional sports training. With a dual handlebar and no motor, the Skill Mill is completely user-controlled, making it hugely versatile and allowing for a plethora of different workouts.
CardioWall Pro-X Club
Having only launched in May, the CardioWall Pro-X Club is already growing in popularity among industry leaders, gyms and health clubs. It’s a highly versatile tool for any gym member and has a wealth of uses. Complete with a 15” touchscreen and control panel, 14 bullet-proof sensor pods and shock absorber suspension arms, it can be used to warm up or cool down, for a HIIT session, to train cognitive functions and balance or to work on your reaction, speed or stamina. Simply pick your programme and let the Pro-X Club do the rest (kinda – you still have to work out too!). With health club chain Bannatyne’s having already ordered a Pro-X Club for its Tower 42 suite in London, keep your eyes peeled to try it for yourself!
Do you suffer from back pain or bad posture? You may be in luck! Previously only available to elite athletes and professional sports clubs such as Southampton FC and British Gymnastics, ViMove – a revolution in wearable sensor technology – is now accessible to everyone. How does it work? Wireless motion and muscle activity sensors can be worn on the body for up to 24 hours, measuring movement during travel, work, exercise and even sleep. Results are then sent to ViMove computer software to give instant and accurate results of your movement, posture and injury. The technology is currently exclusively available via yourphysioplan.com (YPP), a monthly physiotherapy plan available at clinics nationwide, and so far the results have been extremely positive. In a clinical trial, after just 10 weeks of ViMove-based physiotherapy treatment, improved lower back pain was three times more likely than after a whole year’s treatment using traditional methods.
This may look like your average scales, but the QardioBase, £129.99, is far more than that. This smart scale and body analyser lets you into body secrets far beyond just your weight. Want to know if you’re burning fat and gaining muscle? Want to know whether you’re actually losing weight rather than water? The QardioBase makes it possible. This clever cookie can measure BMI, muscle fat, bone and water composition, giving you a far broader view of your fitness goals, in turn helping you to achieve them faster and smarter. We also love the ‘Smart Feedback’ option, which uses smileys rather than numbers to measure your weight – a refreshing change for those of you who dread hopping on the scales in the morning or who find themselves quickly getting fixated on ever-changing numbers. Combined with the Qardio app, you can also set and track goals with clever charts and graphs. We love!
Nordic Track X9i Incline Trainer
It’s well-known that walking or running up a hill will burn more calories, so it’s no surprise a machine pushing the incline boundaries has broken into the market. The Nordic Track X9i Incline Trainer reaches a 40 per cent incline – higher than any other machine on the market – allowing you to burn up to five times the calories just by walking. You also get to target more muscles in your hips, quads and glutes, not to mention it’s great marathon training!