3 reasons you should go to the gym today

11 August 2015 by
First published: 20 August 2015

We all have off days, so if this is one of them we’ve got 3 reasons you should go to the gym today! Motivation guaranteed.


1. It’ll lift your mood
According to Michael Otto, professor of psychology at Boston University, within five minutes of finishing moderate exercise you’ll experience a boost to your mood. Pretty cool, right? Studies have also shown that active people are less likely to be depressed than inactive people. So, lace up and get going!

2. It’ll help you form a habit
They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Haven’t been exercising recently? See this as day one, and 20 days later you’ll be so used to committing to regular exercise you won’t need to convince yourself to get off the sofa.

3. It’ll keep you out of trouble
If you don’t go to the gym tonight, what are you going to do instead? A cheeky post-work drink? A little shopping trip? Flop in front of the sofa with a pizza? Yup that’s right, not only will going to the gym do you good, it’ll keep your waistline and your purse happy, too!