10 ways to never miss a gym session

8 July 2014 by
First published: 22 March 2014

If a hectic schedule or lack of motivation mean you’re skipping more workouts than you’re making, check out our 10 ways to never miss a gym session to get you back on track.

1. Make your workouts fun
If you don’t enjoy the time you spend in the gym you’re not gonna want to go day in day out. Find classes you enjoy or work out with a mate to up the fun factor of your workouts and boost your motivation.

2. Make the most of your mornings
If you don’t have to be in the office at the crack of dawn try to get your gym session in at the beginning of the day. This way it’s less likely to get put off because something comes up at work, you have a last minute social event or are simply too tired after a long day.

3. Always carry gym kit
Have a gym bag with the basics in it ready to go, wherever you’re off to. That way you can always squeeze a quick workout in when a spare half hour crops up. And no matter how tired or worn out you are in the morning always take your gym bag and gym kit to work. You never know, you might perk up after lunch!

4. Do something that works
If you’re working out regularly but with no plan or direction you won’t see results and are unlikely to keep it up. Ask a personal trainer to write you a plan or book yourself in for some hard-working classes – Insanity, Barrecore and Tabata are our top picks.

5. Train with a buddy
If you’re a bit if a commitment-phobe sign up to classes or plan workouts with a friend. This way you have someone to answer to if you wimp out at the last minute.

6. Plan ahead
Take some time out on a Sunday evening to plan your workouts for the week – taking into account your work commitments or social plans – and lock those sessions in your diary. This means late nights at work or dinner out won’t interfere with your fitness regime.

7. Lay it out
Lay your kit out for the next day’s workout the night before – including pants and socks! That leaves no excuses for shirking a sweaty session the next day!

8. Eat up
Feeling hungry and lacking in energy is guaranteed to put the dampeners on your motivation to exercise. Make sure you get a good protein-packed brekkie down you and if you’re not exercising until the evening make sure you have a substantial lunch or pre-workout snack if needs be.

9. Tweet all about it
Making a commitment to your session on social media can be a great way to help you stick to your workout schedule. Tweet and Facebook your workout plans, then share your pics of goals achieved, funny moments and your hot workout look to get the Twitterati cheerleading your efforts.

10. Get your zzzs
Tiredness can zap your energy and motivation and chances are you won’t fancy that 7am spin sesh after a late night. Get to bed at a reasonable time and try to get around seven to nine hours of sleep a night to ensure you are firing on all cylinders come workout time.