Tips to keep your diet and fitness on track

20 April 2017 by
First published: 9 January 2016

Top health and fitness blogger Hazel Wallace has teamed up with to share some brilliant tips to help you reach your goals.

Dream big, but start small

No goal is too big, but don’t expect drastic results overnight! The key is to start small and build a habit first. For example, instead of making a resolution to lose half a stone this year, start by creating a habit to reach that goal – such as making a resolution to swap your morning cup of tea and biscuits for a pot of low-fat Greek yoghurt.

Keep a food diary

Unless you consciously track everything you’ve eaten in a day, it’s easy to forget about the little extras that seem to sneak into our diet. By writing down your food intake, you’ll acknowledge what you are eating and it will make you think twice before grazing on snacks throughout the day. 

Take a selfie

The rise of the selfie has made it totally acceptable for people to share their progress pictures with the world. Whether you share it or not, take a weekly picture in the same mirror, wearing the same clothing, and by comparing the pictures from week to week you will notice the gradual changes your body is making. If that’s not motivation enough, then I don’t know what is!

Schedule a date with a gym

Plan your workouts a week in advance and put them in your diary. Treat your gym session or class like you would an important business appointment – don’t cancel and don’t be late.

Find a ‘#swolemate’

Tell your friends and family about your goals and ask them to get involved and support you. Chances are at least one of your friends will be planning to get healthy for the new year, so why not do it together and support one another? By training together to can try out new classes together, keep each other motivated and celebrate your achievements together!