Get motivated

7 October 2015 by
First published: 8 November 2014

Try this pep talk from our fave fitness pal, Carly Rowena, to get motivated quick!

When it comes to getting ourselves in shape we all start off with good intentions, ready to take on a fitness challenge but after a few days of hard work losing motivation and falling back into the same old unhealthy habits is easily done.

This video from Youtube health and fitness star, Carly Rowena might just give you the motivation you need to keep on track. In under 7 minutes she will change your outlook on staying healthy and remind you that actually it is quite simple!

Carly recommends writing down your short, medium and long-term goals to keep yourself focused on achieving what you’ve set out to do. Although it’s good to take photos of yourself and track your body changing it’s not necessarily all about how you look in the mirror. It’s nice to feel your body getting fitter, your bones getting stronger, your skin becoming healthier and your mind feeling clearer.

We all wish we could, but you can’t out-exercise a bad diet!

Carly reminds us that we don’t need to reward ourselves with a cookie after a tough gym session. Instead treat your body to good wholesome food and feel less guilty. Tempting yourself with cupboards filled with cakes and chocolate will not help the situation. Good food in the fridge usually equals a good diet.


Carly gives you some great ways of remembering what foods you need more of and what foods to avoid buying. This video might just give you the extra push you’ve always needed!

For more great exercise and health advice from Carly check out her blog or follow her on twitter at @CarlyRowena