5 things only real running fanatics know

7 October 2015 by
First published: 29 May 2015

There are some people out there who are so into running that their passion has drawn them together in a special sort of club – if you recognise these 5 things only real running fanatics know then, well, that’s how you know you’re in that club!

1. Good socks make for a great run
The secret to running success? Socks! Any running junkie will tell you that a good pair of socks can mean the difference between the run of your life and a run blighted by blisters. Every hardcore runner has their sock of choice, and they can talk about why they love their socks for days – and in great detail! When we’re choosing socks we always look for something that’s breathable, seamless and fits nice and snugly so it doesn’t shift around as we pound the pavements. 

2. One marathon is never enough
Marathons are a massive challenge: they’ll push you to your limits and sometimes make you question your sanity, but they’re also really addictive. The high you get from running further than you ever thought possible is unbelievable, and trust us, you’re going to want to recreate it again – and again, and again. In fact, you might even find yourself thinking about which marathon you want to do next while running another. True running fanatic behaviour!

3. You’ll meet some of your best friends
Running is a seriously sociable sport. Be brave, join a run club or link up with other runners through social media, and before you know it you’ll have a whole circle of like-minded friends to hang out with. One of the great things about having a posse of running buddies is there’ll always be people on hand to answer your questions and give you tips, and you won’t bore your other friends and family with all that running talk (which they’ll in turn thank you for).

4. You’ll become a morning person
Rise and shine, there are miles to be run! Running fanatics are always willing to sacrifice their lie-in if it means they can squeeze in a few miles before work (even ditching the bus for a run commute) or take part in a really good race. With running as an incentive, you’ll soon find yourself bounding out of bed at the crack of dawn ready to take on the day – and the world. 

5. You’ll look after yourself better
When you get into running, you quickly realise that you perform better when you’ve been treating yourself kindly. So, if you want running to be a big part of your life it makes sense to focus on eating well, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. You’ll also find runners heading off to yoga to stretch out those muscles and hitting the gym to build their strength.