10 tricks to help you start running

2 July 2014 by
First published: 8 July 2014

The first miles are always the hardest but getting out there is easier if you’re armed with a few mental tricks. Here are 10 tricks to help you start running and beat the Can’t Be Arsed (CBA) feeling and become a runner.

Getting started…

1. Lie to yourself
Struggling to find motivation to run? Tell yourself you’ll just do a mile. Once you’re going, see how you feel. If you’re still not into it after a mile, stop. But more often than not once you’re moving you’ll be happy to go further.

2. Get your kit on
Head saying: “I can’t be arsed to run”? Put on your kit and then ask yourself the question again. Nine times out of ten you’ll feel 100% more like heading out once you’re in your go-faster gear.

3. Start each run slowly
Give your mind and body a chance to ease into the run instead of hammering off at record pace and feeling dead after three minutes. You’ll be surprised how quickly this kills that ‘can’t be arsed to run’ feeling.

4. Set realistic goals
Give yourself targets that challenge but don’t break you. The key to staying motivated is constant incremental success. Start small and build to breed confidence. This will make you feel good about what you’re doing, a constant reminder that you’re moving in the right direction.

5. Embrace the sweat
No matter what level you’re starting from, don’t worry about what you look like. Embrace the sweaty, breathless look and remember everyone had to start somewhere. Also no-one knows whether you’ve done one mile or 18. The main thing is you’re out there and getting better with each step.

Running longer…

6. Use the breaks
Don’t be afraid to stop and walk during a run. Well placed short walking breaks can help you improve your body’s recovery response and help you to run further and faster overall.

7. Train your brain
You know when you start a run that at some point it’s going to hurt, it’s all about what you do when the pain comes. Repeat a mantra, recite Shakespeare or think about where your finger nails come from, it doesn’t matter what you do to beat the burn, but you will need your own trick.

8. Hit a home run
When building distance, extend your run with a loop near home. Adding in extra mileage at the end of a run, when you’re near your sanctuary means there’s less risk of breaking down and being stranded. If you can’t quite manage the extra mile you know home is just a few hundred yards away.

9. Release the pressure
Forget tracking your times and distance. Just get out there and see what your body feels like giving you. You’ll be surprised how removing this pressure ends up with you running further and faster.

10. Find a new path
Ready to run longer? Head somewhere new and turn what could be seen as a chore into a treat by picking a new route with new views around each corner. Not knowing what’s coming next is a great way to keep those legs turning for longer.

Kieran Alger is a 13-time marathon runner, five-time ultra marathoner and is currently training for the Safaricom Lewa Marathon. Get more running tips and follow his progress at www.manvmiles.com