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The neglected side of fitness
First published: 13 October 2017

Aimee CorryShare This
The neglected side of fitness
Let’s go back to basics and take a look at the neglected side of fitness – the crucial aspects of fitness that you might be missing out on.
What is fitness to you? Being able to run 10k, lifting heavy, hiking, spinning, cross fit? Whatever it is, the basic aspects of training should not be left behind. Many of us get so focused on our one main goal that we forget about working on the foundations of what makes our bodies fit and healthy. Take a look at some of the things you might be neglecting…
Rest days
Don’t burn out. Rest days are so underestimated when it comes to progression in the gym. If you are training hard, your body will be crying out for rest! During training, muscles fibres and tissue are broken down under stress. In order to get stronger in your next session, you have to give those fibres time to recover and repair. Aim for one-two rest days a week and make sure you are fuelling your body with enough protein, carbs and fats. If you train legs on a Monday, train a different body part the next day. You can still stay active on rest days by going on walks and stretching.
Flexibility is important for all types of fitness in order to achieve a greater range of motion with movements, allowing you to reach your full potential. If your muscles are short and tight, any type of exercise is going to feel harder than it should. Whether you are weight lifting or training for a marathon, make sure you include mobility exercises and stretching in your warm up and through out your workout. Use a foam roller to ease of muscle tightness before going into deeper stretches and mobility work. This can include movements such as downward dogs, deep lunges, or walk outs.
Corrective exercises
Including corrective exercises in your training plan will help you to move more easily and feel better in day-to-day life, as well as in training. In addition, doing specific corrective exercises will strengthen weaker parts of your body and help to gradually repair injuries. Have a look at the ‘overhead squat test’ online to see how you can assess which corrective exercises you need, or ask a professional for help. Corrective exercises can include hip opening stretches for tight hips, band walks or bridges for weak glutes, and ankle drives or calf raises for blocked and damaged ankles. Perform these in between sets , during your warm up and even at home.
Research the type of training and nutrition that will help you to achieve your personal goals. Use the internet to read and educate yourself before diving into a new exercise regime. Knowledge is power and learning more about your goals should not be neglected! Admittedly, there are a plethora of opinions about what you should and should not be doing, which can become frustrating and confusing. But the more you read, the more you will be able to sift out the fads from the facts. Sites such as bodybuilding.com are reliable and accurate, or ask a professional with a good reputation for help.
Follow me on Instagram @aimeecorry for more training & nutrition tips.
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