Q&A with BOOM Cycle’s Hilary Gilbert

8 October 2015 by
First published: 11 December 2014

Check out this Q&A with BOOM Cycle‘s Hilary Gilbert to see what the model and cycle queen herself had to say about fitspo, fasting and adding a little fun to your workouts

How did BOOM Cycle come about?

I thought there was a gap in the market. I was craving a fun and immersive indoor cycling workout offered consistently and at convenient times, and I couldn’t find that when I moved to London. Even if classes were good at one place or another, they weren’t offered often enough. I thought, if I want this, other people must as well!
BOOM Cycle is famous for its party atmosphere. Why is that so important?

The aspect of the experience being fun instead of a chore is really important to me. I also think the feeling of ‘letting go’ is really important and the party atmosphere brings both those aspects and more. It’s like looking forward to going out with your friends all week so you can feel that release and freedom from stress. This is a workout you can look forward to.

It’s like looking forward to going out with your friends all week so you can feel that release and freedom from stress. This is a workout you can look forward to.

What do you think makes an awesome workout class?

An awesome workout class is one that enables you to get lost in the moment and achieve results. It’s always ace to wonder where the time went when an hour’s workout feels like 30 minutes…
Have you always been into health and fitness?

I’ve always been into sports, but didn’t get into health and fitness until I started modelling in my later teens/early 20s. Learning how it all worked and developing the discipline to put it into action took some time.


What’s your favourite thing about working in fitness?

I have a few. I love the positivity, I love helping people see how strong they are and I love the exercise as well.


What else do you do to stay fit?

I eat well most of the time, I run and I lift some weights.


Who’s your fitness role model/inspo?

All the people I see succeeding in their fitness goals inspire me.  When I see someone achieving a goal, I think to myself, ‘if they can do it, there’s no reason I can’t achieve mine.’


What’s your favourite healthy dish?

OMG! I have so many. Right now, my favourite healthy dish is white fish baked in the oven covered with spicy, homemade red curry sauce.


What’s your secret to staying fit over Christmas?

I always exercise over the Christmas holidays. I often go for a run or a hike on Christmas day. I do splurge on the eating, but just one portion of pie per dinnertime, no more – and I don’t feel guilty because that’ll only make me obsess about food, which leads to over-eating. I never go nuts on the chocolate or candy (I’d rather have wine) and make sure I still eat loads of protein and vegetables. I am a fan of having a 12 hour fast every night, too – if dinner is at 9pm, I try not to eat until 9:30am the next day. Around the holidays I always try to sleep as much as possible which is great for staying slim and keeps the mind calm and happy.


What are your goals for 2015?

My goals for 2015 are to start working on another studio or two in the London area, to continue to build the BOOM Cycle community and to see my family in the US more.