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Post-workout snacks
First published: 26 May 2014

Ellie MossShare This
If you’re slogging it out in the gym, you need to make sure you’ve got the right fuel to make the most of your sessions. And that means eating smart before and after your workouts. Make sure you’re prepared for a quick refuel after your session with these tasty post-workout snacks.
Having a ball
Coconut and Macadamia Bounce Balls are a definite gym bag must-have. They’re delicious and packed with high-quality protein to help muscles recover and repair, as well as fibre, vitamin E and manganese.
Coconut and Macadamia, £1.79, yogamatters.com
Take a hike
These yummy Cocoa Coconut flapjack Trek bars are one of our post-workout faves. They pack in a respectable 9g of protein, along with gluten-free oats and coconut pieces, plus a topper of dark choc.
Trek Cocoa Coconut, £1.05, auravita.com
Sport bites
Boost your recovery with a Pulsin’ Protein Sport Natural Protein Bar. With 15g of protein, this is a sizeable hit of the good stuff and is designed to really boost that muscle recovery and sustain your energy post workout. The mix of whey protein isolate, peanuts and pea protein isolate combines to create a super-absorbable source of protein. Plus they taste amazing!
Pulsin’ Protein Sport Natural Protein Bar, £1.69, planetorganic.com