How to make tasty vegan food

18 September 2014 by
First published: 15 September 2014

This week I was asked to write my top tips for how to make vegan food tatsy. And honestly, I had to stop and think for a minute. Because, honestly, there’s no reason whatsoever why the words vegan and tasty can’t go together and I never even had to think about what you need to ‘do’ to achieve this!

Vegetables are tasty, fruits are tasty, nuts are tasty, dates are tasty. I mean, you can even make homemade ‘vegan’ chocolate that is infinitely more tasty than anything you can buy in a shop!

It’s honestly just about shifting your expectations and learning the healthy plant-based swaps that you need to create delicious food.

Cook with coconut oil
You don’t need to cook with butter to get perfectly soft and delicious food. Raw, organic coconut oil not only tastes amazing, but it has a wide variety of health benefits that will help you look and feel amazing. I sauté my veggies, cook my pancakes and even make my baked fries using it!

Switch up your milks
Disease grows in an acidic environment, so by eating and drinking highly acidic foods like dairy, you’re practically giving disease a free pass to inhabit your body.  More and more people are realising that their bodies don’t respond well to dairy, and switching to a non-dairy milk is an easy way to go.

Disease grows in an acidic environment

I particularly love nut milks: almond, Brazil, you name it. I know that milking nuts sounds like a pretty bizarre thing to do, but trust me, it’s one of the most nutritious alternatives to dairy milk, and is really alkaline unlike the acidic nature of dairy milk.

Almonds, for example, are an amazing source of plant protein. Another benefit we take from almonds is their wealth of vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects your cells from damage as well as supporting and maintaining a healthy head of hair and gorgeous glowing skin! Check out my almond butter recipe.

Make desserts!
A lot of people when they first switch up their diet go crazy for vegan and raw vegan desserts. Not only are they delicious, but it’s a way of maintaining some ‘normality’ and a sense that they haven’t had to let go of their old diets completely…all without including any animal products!

Chocolate is my favourite thing in the world, and I make desserts with raw cacao in them all the time. Cacao is the unrefined version of cocoa and is completely unprocessed, which means that it still contains all the wonderful minerals and vitamins that are normally lost in the cooking

Cacao is the unrefined version of cocoa

Nut milks, dates and nuts are staples of my baking and dessert experiments. Flax and chia make amazing egg replacements, as do avocados and bananas. It’s kind of amazing!