Last-minute bikini body

18 June 2014 by
First published: 25 June 2014

We’ve all been there, that moment the week before you jet off on your well-earned holiday and realise that you just don’t feel bikini body ready. Fear not, it really is never too late to make simple changes that will make a real difference, so you can hit the beach with bags of confidence and ready to strip off in the sun! Follow these five simple yet effective tips to get that last-minute bikini body in tip top shape. Good luck!


1Eat SUPER clean
Cut down on processed starchy foods and carbs that contribute to inflammation and bloating, such as white bread, pasta and cakes. Stick to lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and wholegrains, which will have the opposite effect in terms of eliminating the toxins. Filling up on protein will also make you feel fuller for longer, which in turn should stop you needing to snack.


2. Reduce alcohol intake
Not only will this reduce your calorie intake but it will also prevent those all too familiar post alcohol food cravings. Furthermore, hangovers leave you less likely to get up and feel energised for that morning workout which is key in the bikini body preparation process!


3. High intensity interval training – HIIT
HIIT is the fastest and most effective way to burn fat and kick-start your metabolism in a short, intense period of time. Hardcore exercises such as sprinting or burpees, combined with short breaks will get you sweating and working the whole body while at the same time toning up all those areas that will be on show once you hit the beach.


 4. Reduce your sodium intake and increase your water intake
Sodium holds onto water, which can leave you feeling and looking bloated so limit foods with excess salt and avoid adding it to any meals. Instead drink plenty of water which will help to flush out the body. Herbal teas are another good shout as they also aid digestion, remove toxins and de-bloat the stomach.


5. Get a spray tan
Going for a quick spray tan will help in two ways: Firstly it’ll help cover up any body imperfections like stretch makes or cellulite and instead give you an all-over healthy looking glow. It also creates the illusion of slimness, which is key when spending the day in a bikini! Let’s not forget a spray tan is also the safest way to bronze up AND it won’t give you wrinkles!