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BOOM Cycle bank holiday playlist!
First published: 28 August 2015
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The bank holiday weekend is finally here! And, in an effort save us from three days of slobbing out on the sofa, BOOM Cycle have come up with a great way to stay motivated over the long weekend.
BOOM Cycle offer an awesome high-energy, bike-based, music-focused exercise experience at their studios in Holborn and Shoreditch. They’re strong believers in the power of music and how much motivation it can provide during exercise. So, they’ve put together an awesome motivational playlist to keep us going over the next three days. Featuring artists like Chase & Status Rudimental, and Kasabian, it’s sure to keep you powering through your gym sessions and classes all weekend long.
We all love to listen to music while we exercise, but just how much does it affect our session? According to Christopher Bergland, world-class endurance athlete, coach and author music can have a massive effect on us. ‘Music and mood are inherently linked’, he explains on his blog. His advice is to try out different tunes and find which are the most motivational to you. He also suggests to ‘encode some ‘power songs’ to be anthems that you reserve for times when you need a trigger that cues a specific state of mind or alter-ego of peak performance on demand.’ Having a playlist that you’re not overly familiar with could also work well during a workout too, as Christopher explains: ‘Randomness in music has been linked to increases in dopamine. Predictability on a playlist can make songs you love seem mundane by reducing anticipation and create a rut.’ This is why the playlist made by the team at BOOM Cycle is so great; they’re all powerful, upbeat tunes to keep you going, but you haven’t made it so you don’t know what’s coming next.
It’s not only athletes and fitness fanatics who are noticing how beneficial music can be to your mood, over the past few years lots of research has been conducted into the psychological implications it can have. Dr Costas Karageorghis, of Brunel University, found listening to the right songs before and during training boosts performance by up to 20%. This is thought to be down to the fact that it can also help to narrow your attention and divert your mind from any tiredness or fatigue – rather than thinking about how much further you have to go, you’re completely focused on the beat of the song.
So don’t give up this bank holiday weekend! Push yourself and get your new PB with the help of BOOM Cycle’s motivational playlist.