30-day muffin-top challenge

26 August 2014 by
First published: 31 August 2014

Check out this awesome 30-day muffin-top challenge from YouTube star Carly Rowena. Bye bye love handles!


If the summer months have left you with wibbly bits where you’d rather not wibble (yes, us too), then this fast and furious challenge from Carly will help whittle you back into shape.


The 30-day plan is based on cardio HIIT (that’s High Intensity Interval Training) sessions, which will get your heart rate up and a good sweat on. This type of training is great for boosting your burn both during and after your session. It’s a hard working multi-tasker of a workout. Couple this cardio with Carly’s waist-slimming and tummy flattening workout moves and you’ll be rocking your skinny jeans in no time.


Be sure to team her 30-day muffin-top challenge with some healthy recipes, lots of good sleep and lots of water and you’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated as well as a little lighter and tighter.


For more from Carly check out here YouTube channel and her website.