Champion’s breakfast

29 June 2014 by
First published: 29 June 2014

Need a brekkie to fuel you through a tough workout or big day? Check out this awesome Champion’s breakfast from The Happy Egg Co.



(Serves 4)

5 happy eggs

200ml rapeseed oil

Pinch of salt & pepper

2 large tomatoes

8 rashers of bacon

1 bunch wild rocket

2 shallots, finely sliced

100ml white wine vinegar

100ml tap water

30g caster sugar

4 slices of brown bread



1. Place 4 eggs in simmering water for 7 minutes, then transfer to cold water for a few minutes, to stop them cooking. Peel and slice.


2. Place rapeseed oil, 1tsp vinegar, 1 whole egg and salt & pepper in a container which is just wider than a stick blender. Start with the stick blender at the bottom of the container on top of the egg, and whizz while slowly moving the blender up the container. The mayonnaise should have the consistency of cream.


3. Finely slice the tomatoes and put aside. Meanwhile, grill the bacon for 5 minutes until golden and crispy.


4. Wash and dry the rocket in a salad spinner


5. For the shallots, put the water, caster sugar and remainder of the white wine vinegar in a pan and heat to a simmer, stirring to mix the sugar. Add the shallots and take off the heat. Leave the shallots in the pickle for 30 minutes, then either use straight away, or store in the pickle if you want a stronger flavour.


6. To serve, butter some fresh bread (works best with brown bread) and place the bacon, sliced boiled eggs, wild rocket, tomato and shallots on top. Finally, drizzle the mayonnaise over.


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Champion’s breakfast
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