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BoxFit at Frame
First published: 27 June 2017

Sabrina BarrShare This
Get fighting fit with BoxFit at Frame
What is it?
BoxFit is a fast-paced, energetic aerobic from Frame – the awesome studio that combines fun with fitness in a huge range of innovative classes. I went to their King’s Cross studio to try out the class – the studio was buzzing and the 80s inspired décor adds to the positive vibes, so by the time the class started I was raring to go!
Set to a background of upbeat music, we were taught the boxing basics, shown how to stand in the correct boxing stance and how to position our arms to deliver perfect punches. We didn’t wear boxing gloves for the class, as BoxFit is a boxing-themed aerobics class, rather than a fully-fledged boxing class. However, by the end of the 45 minutes, we had all worked up a sweat worthy of any boxer in the ring.
The class consisted of a variety of sequences, incorporating the different types of punches that we’d learnt into mini routines with other exercises. There was no time to rest, as we were constantly on our toes ready to start the next sequence of moves. We covered a wide variety of exercises, including squats, punches, star jumps and push-ups to name just a few. We were working every inch of our bodies and having a blast at the same time!
The highlights
I always love doing high-intensity workouts, as I find I’m able to push myself a little bit further than I would if was doing another form of exercise, such as long distance running. For those 45 minutes during BoxFit, I was able to find hidden stores of energy, even when I could feel my muscles starting to ache. It’s really satisfying at the end of a class to know that you’ve given it everything that you have to offer. There’s also a really great sense of team spirit in the class, as you’re all in the same boat – feeling the burn, struggling at times, but ultimately really enjoying the workout.
One of the other great things about BoxFit was its mood-boosting effect. What better way to let out all of your inner frustrations and stresses than by punching and kicking them out during a high-octane workout? This form of exercise is really therapeutic. You can walk into the class feeling anxious and angry and walk out feeling renewed and energised. You can always count on exercise to turn your frown upside down, especially when you go to a class like BoxFit.
Hardest bits
The fact that BoxFit was a dynamic class also made it very challenging – there’s absolutely no chance of you slacking during this workout. You’re constantly moving – jumping up and down, shuffling side-to-side, punching in unison with the rest of the class and bouncing on the balls of your feet in time with the music. The class may put you to the test, but would it really be worth it if it didn’t? After all, we’re came ready to sweat!
The verdict
For anyone who has a penchant for fast-paced workouts set to banging tunes, BoxFit will be right up their street. The cardio focused class is a lot of fun and combines intense exercises with plenty of fun. Just make sure you pack a towel to wipe off all your hard-earned sweat!
BoxFit costs £12 per class. To book, visit moveyourframe.com