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Why you should do pelvic floor exercises
First published: 25 September 2016

Sabrina BarrShare This
Here’s why you should do pelvic floor exercises…
There are some topics that many people prefer not to discuss out loud, and the problems caused by weak pelvic floor muscles is definitely one of them. These muscles hold your pelvic organs in place, which include your bowel, bladder, and for women, your uterus as well. If you have weaker pelvic floor muscles, then you could have less control of your bladder at really inconvenient times of the day.
Your pelvic floor muscles play a massive role in your day-to-day life, from allowing you to control your bladder when you need the toilet to supporting your posture. However, a great deal of people have weak pelvic muscles, which can in turn have a huge impact on their lives. Bladder weakness affects as many as one in three women and one in 10 men in the UK, a surprisingly high number considering the lack of awareness for the condition.
Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and old age are all factors that can lead to decreased bladder control. It’s important to learn about the importance of pelvic floor sooner rather than later, so you’re well-prepared to deal with it should it ever impose itself on your life.
Luckily, pelvic floor expert INNOVO® is aiming to raise awareness for bladder weakness and to provide some helpful advice as part of its campaign. INNOVO® has been developed by Atlantic Therapeutics, a pioneering innovator in clinically-proven pelvic floor health solutions. Steve Atkinson, the CEO of Atlantic Therapeutics, has said that its aim is to help: ‘restore the pelvic floors, and confidence, of the millions of women and men in the UK who have to deal with bladder weakness.’ To achieve their objective, INNOVO® has launched a series of five-, 10- and 15-minute podcast workouts specifically with pelvic floor muscles in mind.
The podcasts, narrated by well-known fitness professional and pelvic floor expert Jane Wake, detail pelvic floor workouts that you can easily incorporate into your daily regime. There’s no need to head to the gym, go to an exercise class or shy away from crowds of people – you can literally do these workouts no matter where you are. Whether you’re sitting on the tube during your morning commute or waiting for your vanilla latte at Starbucks, you’ll regularly be able to work and strengthen those pelvic floor muscles of yours! The age-old excuses of being too busy or not having a gym membership will no longer stop you from treating your body to the workouts it sorely needs.
Many people are less than adequately informed when it comes to pelvic floor exercises, otherwise known as kegel exercise. Jane Wake has provided her expertise to not only educate us all about the immense benefits of kegel exercises, but also to make us realise just how easy it can be to integrate them into your normal routine. She admits that pelvic floor exercises can be quite tricky at first, saying: ‘that’s why INNOVO’s pelvic floor podcasts are the perfect solution; you can incorporate the narrated workouts and simple exercises into your everyday life. When you find yourself with a spare five, 10 or 15 minutes, on the bus, train, at your desk or in a waiting room, you can pop the podcast on and workout your pelvic floor with no-one else knowing. Your pelvic floor will thank you for it.’
Creating these podcasts is a fantastic way to reach out to people who need to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles for whatever reason, medical or fitness-related. Stronger pelvic muscles can improve your bladder control, posture and even increase your body’s sensitivity during sex. We should all take note of pelvic floor exercises as they may prove extremely beneficial in the present or future!
For more pelvic floor advice and to download the INNOVO® pelvic floor podcasts (and videos), visit restorethefloor.com or download the free app from the App Store and Google Play.