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Steph’s Body Transformation – the result!
First published: 4 June 2017

Stephanie BradbeerShare This
It’s time to see the fruits of Steph’s labour in her final post: Steph’s Body Transformation – the result!
It’s been 12 long weeks for fitness writer Stephanie Bradbeer, who has been following a strict exercise and diet programme with the goal of transforming her body in 12 weeks.
The plan
The aim of the plan is to shred weight with a personalised macro and gym programme, designed by Personal Trainer Nicole Aristides.
Macros are your fats, proteins and carbs and the aim is to hit the right amount of each daily. The gym programme contains a variety of weight lifting, bodyweight and cardio exercises, designed to burn fat and keep me in a calorie deficit. For more information on the plan itself read my first post www.weheartliving.com/featured/12-week-body-transformation/
The aim of the plan was to lose about a pound a week. And I have lost 17 pounds since starting the plan 12 weeks ago! So I am absolutely over the moon and have found the whole experience life changing. Not only have I lost weight – and am now at a very healthy weight for my height – but my body has completely changed. I have gained a waist and my body looks much more athletic.
I am also feeling more confident and energised – and excited to see what else I can achieve both in and outside the gym.
Bikini Body prep
For the final two weeks, my plan was similar to bikini body competition prep, to achieve the best results. Fewer carbs, more cardio and Vitamin C supplements made sure my body didn’t hold on to any extra water for maximum results. It was tough, but interesting to see what you can achieve in such a short amount of time.
What have I learnt
The whole process has been a real eye-opener for me and certainly a big learning process. Firstly, I had never properly weight trained before, always avoiding weights and sticking to the cardio machines in the gym. Twelve weeks of weight training at Fitness First (and no huge unwanted muscle gains!) has given me the confidence to continue training this way and encourage others to do the same.
The macro counting has been even more of a learning process. So many of us simply don’t know what is really in the food we are eating – including pre-plan me! – and there have been some real shockers. Paying attention to what is in the snacks I am buying and the ingredients I am using has made me really consider if I need to eat something or whether I can replace it with anything that’s better for my body. Do I really need ketchup with every meal? The answer is no – and, as its full of sugar, I’ll now save that for my cheat meal!
What’s next
The whole process has sparked a real enthusiasm in me and I have now made the decision to do my Level 3 Personal Training qualification Future Fit Training. I’ve learnt so much just by following a plan like this, and there is so much more I can learn for myself, that I can also pass on to my friends and family.
As for my personal health and fitness journey, I will be taking what I have learnt and using it to continue to live a healthy lifestyle and trying to maintain the right balance. During the week, I will continue counting my macros. I’ll remain healthy at the weekends, but will be a little more relaxed won’t count macros – I’ll also allow myself the occasional cheat meal. I will also keep up my training in the gym and my weekly cardio sessions at Boom Cycle.
My progress will now be focused on new strength goals, such as performing a chin-up and a proper press-up! This is the way, moving forward, that I will measure my progress and I am looking forward to getting stronger in the gym.
I will be writing about my journey to becoming a Personal Trainer and, in the meantime, keep up with my progress on my Instagram channel. Want to see more of the sort of training I’ve been doing? Give my coach Nicole Aristides a follow or visit her website for information on her online coaching.