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Races to fill your marathon void
First published: 6 June 2017

Erica bushShare This
Feeling blue post 26.2? We can help!
Feeling bereft post-marathon? Here are the races to fill your marathon void.
We’re sure we’re not the only ones who feel like the last six months have gone by in a running, racing, fundraising blur. From London to Brighton, you’d be hard pushed to not know someone who has trained, or is training, for a marathon. And you’re probably also familiar with the blues that come post-race, too. Training for a marathon – or any kind of race for that matter – can take up a lot of your time (read: take over your life) which is why it’s tough to comprehend that such hard work, time and determination ultimately boils down to a few hours. The day comes and goes, and you’re left wondering what to do next. There are many ways of dealing with post-marathon blues, but one is to get straight back on the horse. Not only does it mean you can maintain some of the miles you racked up training, it also gives you back some purpose and incentive. But that doesn’t mean another marathon has to be on the horizon. From fun runs to obstacle courses to triathlons, there are so many races out there for you to train for and enjoy – so we’ve cherry-picked the best.