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Q&A with fitness star Rebecca Louise
First published: 20 May 2017

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We sit down for a quick Q&A with fitness star Rebecca Louise. From hitting 15.5 million views each day on her YouTube channel to running her Fit Camps across the world, this lifestyle personality has been a busy bee…
Let’s jump right in to our Q&A with fitness star Rebecca Louise.
Have you always been into fitness? How did it all start?
From the age of three, I was in ballet classes, and by the time I was seven I was on the boys’ soccer team! From a very early age I have loved being active, being part of a team. At the age of 11 I found my favourite sport, field hockey. It was here that I excelled and ended up playing for the South of England. At school I was on every sports team you could imagine and you would often find me as the captain. At 16 I was made the head of sport at school… so yes, you could say I have always been into fitness!
Who do you look up to?
Honestly my family members are my biggest inspiration when it comes to fitness. My brother went through many injuries playing soccer and every time came back stronger. He is now a very successful soccer coach in America. My dad, who just turned 59, continues to complete half and full marathons, showing me that whatever age you are you can still compete, push yourself and set new records. My dad has also played five-a-side soccer every week for as long as I can remember and always tells me about how many goals he scored, and how he can run alongside the younger players! My mum is also a huge inspiration. After I helped her lose 42lb on my nutrition programme four years ago, she now loves to swim and goes running with my dad.
When did you start making workout videos?
I started working with a different YouTube channel four years ago. I then had a break uploading new content and after so many requests for new videos, I created my own channel. It just celebrated its two-year birthday!
Why do you work out? What benefits do you enjoy the most?
Working out is ‘me time’. It’s where I get to put my phone down and enjoy the time away from the business! I love to push myself and reach new personal bests that drive me to continue a healthy lifestyle. The gym is my playground to create new and exciting workouts for my followers so they can try something new and push themselves. I also have a love for yoga, which relaxes my mind, releases stress and calms my highly strung personality.
How do you like to unwind and relax?
I am terrible at unwinding and relaxing. I love to be on the go and I am always being told to slow down. I have one speed and that’s full throttle. My boyfriend actually helps me a lot to unwind and destress. I want to make sure that I am present in his company and not always on the phone. It keeps me accountable and I find I am able to be more creative and more ideas come to me.
What’s your favourite meal Rebecca Louise?
Anything my boyfriend cooks! He is really great in the kitchen. I am not fussy when it comes to food, so as long as it’s healthy I am happy. You can’t beat some sushi or classic chicken and broccoli! I do love going out for dinner, getting dressed up and trying new restaurants.
What three exercises do you like doing the most?
I love working my abs and glutes. I think that is because those are the areas I am always looking to improve. I love a plank, which is great for the upper body and killer on the abs; Romanian deadlifts for my hamstrings and glutes; and bridges for my glutes and inner thighs. You can just keep adding extra pulses to push yourself that little bit further!
Why do you think your videos resonate with so many people?
For me, the gym intimidated me and I wanted to find a way I could get in shape and feel comfortable about doing that. I think most people feel the same when they walk into a gym, see all these big machines and think, ‘What do I do with these?’
A big part of my life is, of course, my dog Alphie! Everyone loves knowing about him, seeing him make an appearance during the videos, and I think he helps me to connect with fans. The biggest thing for me is showing people they don’t need to go and see a personal trainer or spend a fortune on a gym to start leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
What are the main differences between the fitness cultures you’ve seen in England and California?
California is incredibly health conscious and is exposed to all the current fitness regimes and nutrition plans. Growing up in England, I had sushi for the first time when I moved to London at 19 years old! The first time I heard of kale was when I lived in the States, so in terms of comparing England with California, there is a huge difference. Fitness-wise, the UK has great sports teams and is dedicated to having sports available in all schools. I have personally helped people set up free community Fit Camps in my home town, which run alongside a nutrition club to help people get their health back on track.
Follow Rebecca Louise on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.
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