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Q&A with Sonja Moses
First published: 25 June 2017

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Q&A with Sonja Moses
Need a bit of workout motivation? Our Q&A with Sonja Moses is guaranteed to get you raring to hit the gym. We caught up with Nike Master Trainer and celeb trainer Sonja Moses to talk workout recovery, Muay Thai and inspiring people to be game changers.
What made you fall in love with Muay Thai Fighting?
I was always into dancing and fighting from a young age. When I was in Dubai five years ago I tried Muay Thai for the first time and loved it. I have a black belt in Tang Sou Dao and completed in this martial art for ten years. But when I tried Muay Thai I knew it was for me. I love the hardcore training you go through to become a Nak Muay (fighter) and the transformation you go through when you fight. I’ve learned a lot about myself.
How did you go from fitness fan to professional Nike Master Trainer?
I wasn’t ever really a ‘fitness fan’. My background was in sports science as a University lecturer but always loved fighting and dancing. I was into body combat and was a self-taught dancer, but the journey started when I took steps to become a fitness presenter. I went to a bootcamp and a Nike scout spotted me on the day – initially for dance – but that’s how I started in the industry.
We want some celeb gossip! Who are some of the most famous people you have instructed?
I’ve trained with Jess Glynne, Jessie J, Skepta and Katy B to name a few. I love training with them – they’re completely committed and kill it every time. They’re badasses. The reason why Jess Glynne is such a joy to train is because she’s been on a fitness journey herself. She’s so driven to get up and train – even if it’s after seven hours of rehearsals – and knows that she needs that all important time to recover too. But when I train people, I don’t care who they are. You can be a celebrity or an ordinary person – you just have to be committed and bring it.
Which celebrity athlete do you look to as your inspiration?
J Lo – still killing it and looks amazing.
What do you like to wear when you work out at the gym?
I like to wear Nike pro shorts with Muay Thai boxing shorts over the top. My favourite sports bra is the padded Nike Pro bra and Nike tie-up tops.
How do you recover?
After a heavy session, my go-to is Botanic Lab’s ISOTONIC. It’s a game-changer for me – I’ve found it’s the most effective way to keep me on top of my regime and reboot my body.
Do you think it’s important to empower women across the globe?
Absolutely – I like that fact that I’m different and I hope that inspires people to be a game changer and a visionary. If I have any words of advice to empower women: life is too short, be happy and you’ll be the best you can be in whatever you choose to do.
Botanic Lab’s ISOTONIC, with medical grade charcoal and mighty raw cane, helps refuel and rebalance the body. Whether it’s optimum support for an active lifestyle or rebooting after a HIIT sequence like Sonja’s, the active elements of ISOTONIC are cleverly balanced to cleanse and replenish: a naturally electrolyte-rich formula to flood a depleted system with essential phytochemicals and nutrients, with no refined sugar and is made from the highest quality ingredients that nature has to offer.
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