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The power of de-cluttering
First published: 30 August 2017

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Clear your mind by discovering the power of de-cluttering.
Clutter seems to creep up on us when we least expect it. We’re all guilty of cluttering in some shape or form, whether it’s holding onto grimy childhood toys in cardboard boxes or letting past relationships put us off from pursuing new ones. De-cluttering could be the key to clearing your mind and improving your overall wellbeing. In her book What Your Clutter is Trying to Tell You, Kerri Richardson delves into why you may be cluttering, what you can do about it and how amazing you’ll feel once you’ve de-cluttered your life.
Clutter comes in many forms
When you think about clutter, the first thought that may pop into your head might be an image of a pile of clothes in the corner of your bedroom or knick-knacks taking up space in your home. However, clutter can come in many different forms, both physical and emotional. It’s important to try and recognise the kind of clutter that’s been affecting your life and realise how it’s been holding you back from fulfilling your full potential.
In her book What Your Clutter Is Trying To Tell You, Kerri Richardson describes some of the ways that clutter can manifest in your life: ‘I define clutter as anything that gets in the way of living the life of your dreams. This can be an outdated wardrobe that’s overtaken your closet. It can be piles of paperwork that need your attention or that you don’t know what to do with. It can also be your nagging inner critic, toxic relationships, debt, or extra body weight. Those friends who drain your energy? Clutter. Your belief that if you can’t do it perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all? Clutter.’
So, clutter can appear in your life in a number of ways. However, this isn’t just a random occurrence. If you think your life is cluttered in some way, then there’s probably a reason behind it. ‘Clutter is a temper tantrum of the soul, and it’s time to listen closely to what it’s saying,’ writes Kerri. Allowing negative thoughts to cloud your mind or living in a cluttered environment could be a sign that something is off-balance in your life.
Taking the next step
Coming to the realisation that your clutter is telling you something about your life is only the first step of de-cluttering. Next, it’s time for you to do something about it. However, you need to make sure that you set realistic expectations for yourself. It’s no use saying that you’re going to have your entire room cleared by the end of the week only to then be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. Start by taking small steps, such as going through only one drawer in your bedroom or one shelf of your bookcase, as opposed to turning the whole room upside down. Over time, you’ll see how a slower approach is a far greater and more sustainable way of tackling clutter.
Sorting through all the clutter in your life may sound like a daunting task, but it’ll all be worth it for the end result. ‘When you clear away what you no longer love or need, you make space for unlimited gifts and abundance to come your way,’ says Kerri. ‘You’ll find that with this reclaimed space and energy, life just seems easier. Your clarity will be sharper, your motivation will increase, and you’ll feel lighter and happier overall. Yes, clutter clearing is that powerful!’ You may not have even realised how much your clutter has been dragging you down until you get rid of it. Start small, be patient and look forward to feeling absolutely liberated when you’re done.
What Your Clutter is Trying to Tell You by Kerri Richardson