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Make-up that’s good for you
First published: 3 January 2017

Latoya GayleShare This
We went searching for make-up that’s good for you. Here are our top 5 picks
We may feel the need to let our skin ‘breathe’, opting for a few make-up free days here and there, but according to expert dermatologist Dr Justine Hextall from the Harley Medical Group, there isn’t clear evidence to support the skin benefits associated with not wearing make-up. And developments within the beauty and skincare industry have revolutionised make-up, producing products that improve skin rather than simply covering any imperfections, so maybe we don’t have to forgo it at all. ‘A lot of make-up now contains active ingredients such as antioxidants and sun protection factors that will protect skin from the ageing effects of pollution and sunlight,’ advises Dr Hextall. ‘While there is no evidence that make-up exacerbates acne, it makes sense to avoid oil-heavy bases. I don’t see the need for heavy coverage or using products with lots of oil.’ With an increasing range of products that all promise to work wonders, we’ve narrowed the choice down to these 5 make-up essentials. Proven to benefit your skin with no need for a breathing day, these products will ensure that every day is picture perfect.