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London’s best feel-good classes
First published: 29 January 2018

Molly HorneShare This
London’s best feel-good classes
Whether or not you’re a fan of new year’s resolution, it’s safe to say that January is the time of year that has most of us wanting to make a positive change to feel fitter and healthier. With almost a month of 2018 already behind us, we sought out some of London’s best feel-good classes to keep our happy hormones soaring well into February.

GrooveCycle – We Heart Living
Expect a high-energy workout through either a 45 or 60-minute ride. Specially curated to take you on a euphoric music-led journey, GrooveCycle has a strong dance and choreography element that will challenge you as well as put a smile on your face. The workout welcomes individuals of all abilities so you don’t need a background in dance to benefit.
£11, groovecycle.co.uk