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Gritty fitness we love
25 July 2017 by Sabrina Barr
First published: 25 July 2017
First published: 25 July 2017

Sabrina BarrShare This
Throw some punches
Head to Power of Boxing for a truly authentic boxing experience, where you’ll definitely be put through your paces for the entire hour. There’s no cutting corners here, especially as many of the trainers at Power of Boxing are former amateur boxers themselves. The class consists of cardio exercises to increase your heart rate followed by work in the ring and on the punch bags. You’ll be taught all about proper boxing techniques, learning how to perfect the boxing stance, how to stay light on your feet, how to defensively hold your arms when sparring and of course, how to throw a variety of punches. You’ll feel so empowered by the end of the workout!