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Five easy ways to relieve your stress
First published: 13 January 2018

Amanda KhouvShare This
Five easy ways to relieve your stress
Whether it’s work pressures that have you feeling frazzled, or juggling too many responsibilities has you feeling like you’re walking a tight rope, nobody deserves to feel stressed all the time. While seriously stressful situations can take time, planning and perseverance to figure out, there are ways in which you can cope with stress better in the meantime. It might seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day to work out, eat well and get a good night’s sleep, but the importance of exercise, nutrition and quality rest is key to keeping those stress hormones under control.
To help you along the way, here are five easy ways to relieve stress…
1 Freesoul Sleep and Wake Tea

Free Soul Tea – We Heart Living
Freesoul’s Sleep Tea isn’t just about helping you hit the hay. The clever before-bed tea is formulated to assist you in reaching a serious state of calm. The tasty blend of licorice, lime flower and morigna will aid a restful night’s sleep from the moment your head hits the pillow.
Trade your regular brew in for the Wake Tea the following morning, too. The zesty blend features oolong, lemon, ginger and bergamot to help set your body and mind up to take on the day ahead – stress free.
£6, herfreesoul.com