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De-clutter and save a life
First published: 17 August 2017

Sabrina BarrShare This
De-clutter and save a life by donating your things to the British Heart Foundation.
De-cluttering is an activity that many of us actively avoid. We hoard and we hoard until it becomes second nature to hold onto things that we really don’t need. However, if you’re not going to de-clutter for your own sake, then why not do it to help others? By taking part in the British Heart Foundation’s ‘Bag It. Beat It.‘ campaign, you could save lives simply by getting rid of your unwanted items. Read all about the campaign below and find out how you can help!
The campaign
The British Heart Foundation’s ‘Bag It. Beat It.’ campaign is a call to action for the people to go through their things, decide what they don’t need and help fund vital heart research by donating those unwanted belongings to the British Heart Foundation. Every year, the British Heart Foundation shops raise around £30 million in an effort to fight heart disease and save lives. Eighty-five thousand items are sold every day and around 23,000 volunteers work at their stores across the country. Their 720 shops are accepting all sorts of items, including books, shoes, clothes… you name it, you can probably donate it! So what exactly does the British Heart Foundation do?
The cause
Every year, the ‘Bag It. Beat It.’ campaign focuses on a particular area of heart disease, and this year the campaign is centred on women and heart disease. Coronary heart disease kills more than twice as many women in the UK as breast cancer, with 78,000 women dying from heart and circulatory disease every year in the UK. The British Heart Foundation is currently also funding over 1,000 research projects being undertaken at universities all over the country that explore all areas of heart disease. Coronary heart disease is the UK’s biggest killer, which is why it’s more important than ever to do something about it. By donating your things to your local BHF store, you could make such a huge difference by contributing towards the essential work that the British Heart Foundation do.
How to get involved
Getting involved with the British Heart Foundation ‘Bag It. Beat It.’ campaign is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is visit www.bhf.org.uk to find your local British Heart Foundation store (there are 720 across the country, so you’ll definitely find one that’s near enough to you). Then, go through all of your stuff at home and figure out what’s worth keeping and what you can afford to give away. We’d suggest taking a day out of your weekend to do a thorough clear-out. De-clutter and save a life – it’s as simple as that!
For more information on British Heart Foundation stores or to find your local store, please visit bhf.org.uk