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10 running rules you should be following
First published: 16 February 2017

Rhiannon PresleyShare This
Dress for the weather
A lot of us dread running in the cold weather and it can prevent us from getting out there. By wearing a suitable winter running jacket you can avoid the cold wind and frost.
Some people don’t like to wear jackets, because they get very hot and sweaty after a while. But my advice would be to wear the jacket and tie it round your waist as soon as it gets too hot. That way you can always pop it back on if you feel the cold once more. There are also jackets out there that have zips and air vents, these breathable items are best suited, as they stop you getting too cold, or too hot.
If after buying a jacket you still find you get too flushed, a pre-run warm up is what you need. This will get you mentally and physically ready for the run. Getting warmed up before you even leave the house makes you more likely to enjoy the cold breeze once you are out.
You can also beat the cold by wearing a good, thick pair of socks. It would be ideal to go for thick, woollen socks to prevent, uh, cold feet (sorry!).
Waterproof shoes and clothing are also ideal for the British weather. It is also important post-run to change into warm, dry clothing as quickly as possible, but don’t jump in the shower as soon as you are home – you need to cool down before showering, making sure your internal and external temperatures have returned to their equilibrium, before blasting your skin with hot water.