Verde gin & tonic recipe

3 November 2015 by
First published: 6 November 2015

If you’re planning to unwind with an alcoholic drink on a Friday night but don’t want to undo all of your hard work at the gym, this long cocktail is a sophisticated choice compared to more sugar-laden options.

The gin in this drink has been infused with fennel, coriander and dill, giving it a fresh flavour, as well as bringing the health benefits these three herbs have to offer. And it’s topped up with soda water and tonic water to tone down the alcohol kick. Just don’t overdo it!

Ingredients (serves 8)

1tsp dried coriander seeds

1tsp fennel seeds

1tbsp torn fresh dill

Tonic water

Soda water


Fresh dill sprigs


Place the gin in a clean jar.

Use a pestle and mortar to lightly grind the coriander and fennel seeds.

Transfer the seeds to the jar of gin and stir in the dill. Allow the mixture to sit for 20 minutes.

Strain and return the strained gin to the jar. Keep it refrigerated until you’re ready to mix drinks.

For each drink combine 30 ml infused gin, 30 ml tonic water and a splash of soda water in a cup with ice cubes. Then add a couple of skinny orange wedges and tiny sprigs of fresh dill.

Recipe from Near & Far, by Heidi Swanson (Hardie Grant, £20).

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Verde gin & tonic recipe
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