Stay calm and eat food

30 September 2015 by
First published: 7 October 2015

Did you know you can actually eat anxiety away? What you eat directly affects how you feel, so if you’re desperate to lift a load off your shoulders, watch what you put into your mouth.

Check out our list of the top foods to put stress at ease.



Chocolate is a classic cure when we’re feeling the pressure. Why? Nibbling on a couple of squares of 70 per cent dark or better still, raw chocolate can help to keep stress at bay by raising levels of mood-boosting serotonin. Just remember to stop at a few squares!



Ever wondered why you get the sniffles every time your stress levels sky rocket? Stress is directly linked to immunity, so nibble on vitamin-E rich nuts like almonds for an immunity boost.



The benefits of omega-3-packed salmon just get better and better. The fatty acid is a powerful skin and memory-booster, but best of all omega-3 is thought to help regulate parts the brain linked to anxiety and depression.



A good night’s sleep often goes out the window when you’ve got things on your mind, but getting enough sleep is crucial for the health of your body’s cells. For dinner, munch on sleep-Inducing, tryptophan-rich turkey to help you get more kip when you’re feeling frazzled.



Your brain and your belly are in direct communication with each other and when you’re stressed out your digestive system can take a hit. Give it a calming nudge with a bowl of porridge. Oats are rich in glutamine, which has naturally soothing effects on your tum.


Brown rice

Carb cravings and stress go hand in hand, but if you choose your carbs wisely you could be in for a massive comfort food pick-me-up. Swap simple carbs like bread and stodgy pasta for legumes and brown rice and you can expect a big serotonin boost, yet none of the nasty ups and downs that come with processed carbs.



This green superfood is a fabulous source of magnesium, a mineral that helps to relax muscles making you feel more at ease when times get tough.



As creamy as it is delicious, avocado is a good source of stress-proofing B vitamins. The green fruit is also packed with healthy omega-3 fats and protein.



Anxiety causes oxidative stress in cells, but chowing down blueberries is thought to help offset any negative effects. This is because these magic bullets are an amazing source of health-promoting antioxidants.


Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit is packed with vitamin C, which helps to improve immunity by repairing and protecting cells. In addition this important nutrient is also credited with helping to reduce the physiological effects of stress on the body.