Pick-me-up juice
First published: 30 April 2014

Sahar AmanShare This
Sometimes you need a pick me up. This juice came about when bashing away at the computer all day leaves you feeling like mush and under the weather.Try this Pick-me-up juice in the morning, after a workout or when a sniffle is brewing
Nutrient dense, this green juice fills you up and gives you a really healthy kick for the day. Avocados (the beauty fruit) are high in protein and packed with vitamins, pears have pectin in them, which help to remove toxins from the body, spinach helps to boost immunity and coconut water adds incredible hydration to this smoothie. Try to have wheatgrass everyday, the numerous potent benefits of wheatgrass are incredible so it is well worth making it part of your daily diet. Adding orange juice delivers a hit of vitamin C but also cuts through the richness of this green juice with some citric deliciousness.
Pick-me-up juice
Will make two generous servings
2 big handfuls of baby spinach
500ml coconut water (chilled)
1 small ripe avocado, chopped
1 small ripe pear, chopped
3 heaped tsp Naturya wheatgrass powder
120ml smooth not from concentrate orange juice (optional)
Blend the spinach with coconut water first on high.
Add the avocado and pear, pulse to blend.
Add the wheatgrass, pulse to blend again.
If using, add the orange juice and give it one final blend.
Drink immediately, as if you can resist!