Nisha Katona’s Tenderstem broccoli with mustard seeds and lemon

20 April 2017 by
First published: 19 December 2016

‘Tenderstem broccoli makes an Indian chef’s heart sing; we get two ingredients for the price of one,’ says Nisha Katona, a British-born curry evangelist.  And in this, Nisha Katona’s Tenderstem broccoli with mustard seeds and lemon recipe, the tender, succulent stems, which are both sweet and nutty, provide a satisfying crunch to any dish. ‘The rich green tones of the florets provide an elegant deep counterpoint to the stems. Tenderstem being a robust, spring vegetable holds its own flavours when spiced. It works well with the toasted citrus notes from the mustard seeds and lemon in this dish. The earthy foundation of turmeric only accentuates the sweetness of the Tenderstem.’

Ingredients (serves 4)

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp mustard seeds

200g Tenderstem  broccoli cut into separate florets and the stem into inch-long diagonal spears

1/2 tsp turmeric

Salt to taste

1/4 tsp chilli powder

Juice of half a lemon


Heat the oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds.

Once all the seeds have popped, add in the broccoli stems.Sauté the stems for two minutes, then add in the florets.

After five minutes on a medium heat, add the turmeric, salt and chilli powder. Sauté gently until the broccoli is tender. Add the lemon juice and heat through.

Serve hot as a main or side dish

Recipe courtesy of

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Nisha Katona’s Tenderstem broccoli with mustard seeds and lemon
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