Natural fruit ice lollies

20 April 2017 by
First published: 26 August 2016

Keep your cool with these natural fruit ice lollies. As the problem with some of the ice lollies that you buy from the shop is that they often contain a lot of added sugar. While our version will carry natural sugars from the fruit, you can use honey and sweetener to customise your lollipops to your liking – without having to worry about ramping up the sugar content.


350g of strawberries or mangoes

200ml of natural yoghurt (or fresh fruit juice if you prefer)

1tsp of honey
Sweetener (if you have a sweet a tooth)


Simply whizz up your fruit in a blender and add your yoghurt (or juice) and honey.

Taste the mixture before you go any further and add sweetener accordingly.

Divide the mixture into six lolly moulds and add a stick into each.

Freeze them for around 90 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of DW Fitness Clubs

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Natural fruit ice lollies
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