This healthy pearl barley, tomato and parsley soup is brimming with yummy, Italian goodness, and it definitely won’t leave you feeling hungry!
Ingredients (serves 4)
250g of Pearl Barley
1 onion, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
Handful of dried basil
Handful of dried oregano
400g Cirio La Classica Passata
Extra virgin olive oil
300ml of vegetable broth
Parsley to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Add some oil to a saucepan and cook the chopped onion, carrots and celery and cook until the vegetables have become golden-brown.
When the vegetables have browned, add the pearl barley and stir for one minute. Follow by adding the white wine and stir until absorbed.
Next, begin pouring the vegetable stock very slowly, stirring at the same time, until fully absorbed. Keep adding stock as required. When no more stock is required and the mixture is nice and thick, add Cirio’s La Classica Passata, oregano and basil and cook until barley is tender (for 20 minutes).
Adjust the liquid level of your soup by adding more stock if you require it to be thinner.
Drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and add grated Parmesan.
Recipe courtesy of Cirio