Low-fat strawberry pancakes recipe

20 April 2017 by
First published: 2 June 2016

This low-fat strawberry pancakes recipe is an ideal brunch or dessert option. With juicy strawberries, creamy yoghurt and crunchy nuts, it’s like heaven on a plate!

Ingredients (serves 4)

4 pancakes

240g Jubilee Selections strawberries, hulled and sliced into quarters

4 figs, quartered

100g low fat Greek yoghurt

50ml runny honey

25g pistachios, roughly chopped

A handful of mint leaves 


Heat the pancakes as per the packet instructions.

Place the warm pancakes onto four separate plates and divide the Jubilee strawberries and figs between the plates. Serve with a spoonful of Greek yoghurt and a squeeze of honey.

Finish with the chopped pistachios and a few mint leaves.

Recipe courtesy of Jubilee Selections

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Low-fat strawberry pancakes recipe
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