Lemon and lime avocado mousse recipe

23 October 2017 by
First published: 11 August 2015

Lemon and lime avocado mousse recipe

If you’re not a huge fan of avocados we hope this delicious lemon and lime avocado mousse recipe will instill a new-found love for this superfood. Avocados are one of the few ingredients that contain pretty much every single nutrient we need for survival. They’re absolutely brilliant for your skin, hair and nails and they’re crammed full of healthy fats and energy. If you’re not keen on adding avocado to your blended green drinks and don’t enjoy the taste of guacamole this recipe might just convert you. The addition of lemon and lime and added sweetness of honey completely disguises its taste.

Ingredients (serves 1)

For the mousse

1 avocado

Juice and zest of half a lemon

Juice and zest of half a lime

2tbsp melted coconut oil

1-2tbsp honey

For the base

2tbsp chopped dried dates

2tbsp melted coconut oil

Flat tsp cacao powder

2tbsp chopped mixed nuts or trail mix


Raspberries / passion fruit / trail mix to decorate


Blitz the avocado, lemon juice, lime juice, zest and coconut oil together. Add a tablespoon of honey and blend again. Check to see if your mousse is sweet enough. You may need to add more honey depending on the size of avocado.

Whizz the base mixture ingredients together. I like mine chunky so I tend to pulse the mixture for a minute only.

Layer the base mixture into a glass. Spoon on the lime mousse, then add fresh fruit and trail mix to decorate.

You might also like our ultimate guide to nutrition or this green powder bowl.

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Lemon and lime avocado mousse recipe
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