Irish soda bread recipe

7 October 2015 by
First published: 17 March 2015

Have a go at baking this easy Irish soda bread recipe from Sally Roch. This moreish loaf won’t last long so invite your friends and family over to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day!
Serves 6


250g plain white flour

250g plain wholemeal flour

100g porridge oats

1tsp bicarbonate soda

1tsp salt

25g butter (in chunks)

500ml buttermilk


Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas mark 6/fan 180C.

Dust a baking sheet with flour. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl, then rub in the butter. Quickly pour in the buttermilk and using your hands bring the dough together (handle it very, very gently). Next shape it into a flat, round loaf measuring 20cm/8in in diameter.

Place the loaf on the baking sheet and score a deep cross in the top (to help the bread to cook through.) Bake for 30-40 minutes until the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. If it isn’t ready after this time, turn it upside down on the baking sheet and bake for a few minutes more.

Transfer to a wire rack, cover with a clean tea towel (this keeps the crust nice and soft) and leave to cool.

It is best eaten on the same day and broken into quarters.

This recipe is by Sally Roch, she studied Sport Science and Nutrition at uni and recently set up Mummy Chef.

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Irish soda bread recipe
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