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how juicing cured my skin condition
First published: 23 November 2015

Hanna SillitoeShare This
If you’re looking for the best juice for psoriasis, find out how juicing cured my skin condition.
A study published in the Archives of Dermatology suggests: 350 Britons each year commit suicide because of a skin condition; 10,400 develop depression and 7,100 are diagnosed with anxiety.
These are frightening statistics; that’s almost one person each day in the UK killing themselves because they cannot live within their skin. Yet I know that all too familiar feeling of utter helplessness and despair, because I’ve been there.
Everyday struggles
If you’ve never suffered from a skin condition it’s hard to describe the effect it has on your life. Shopping for clothes, choosing what to wear for a particular occasion – these things no longer become a pleasure, more a mission to find something that will make the angry red patches of skin on your body look a little less noticeable.
I’ve struggled with psoriasis for over 20 years. At certain times my skin was worse than others, occasionally it went into remission for a while and I was able to disguise the red patches to some extent. Other times the pain was unbearable. No matter what I tried; the steroid medication, the emollients, the creams which burned my skin, nothing ever resulted in permanent or long term clearing.
The best juice for psoriasis: Last year, a little green juice changed my life
My skin condition was worse than it had ever been. I was covered from my scalp to my ankles in this bright red scaly rash. It was so painful thee were days I was unable to leave the house. On the days I had to go out, I covered myself in moisturiser and wrapped my body in cling film. The feeling of clothes brushing against red raw skin would leave me crying in agony and I was exhausted from the itching, which kept me awake at night. My doctor recommended Methotrexate – a chemotherapy drug designed to suppress an overactive immune system. I couldn’t take it, the endless list of side effects was enough to put me off. It felt far too extreme.
I began trawling the internet. Despite every doctor and dermatologist I’d ever seen advising me that my diet would not alter the severity of my psoriasis, I researched the influence of nutrition on skin conditions and came across the concept of extracting juice from raw fruit and vegetables. I read about Jason Vale and Joe Cross – these juicing giants had successfully cleared themselves of their autoimmune skin problems. The principle seemed to make sense and if it had worked for them, why not me? I was inspired to give it a try.
It sounds kooky but that little green juice genuinely changed my life. Juicing alters the way you view food, it gives you a phenomenal energy boost, you come off sugar, sweeteners and white processed rubbish and begin to crave salads, fruit, veg, nuts and seeds. It truly provides a catalyst for change. I went from sitting around on the sofa, stuffing my face with pizza, pasta, sweets and wine – feeling fat and miserable – to craving healthy meals and exercise. I now weight train, Thai box, cycle, swim, fell run, practice yoga and compete in triathlons. I look back at the person I was before and question how I‘d allowed myself to become so lethargic and sick.
It’s been almost two years since I first embarked on that juice detox.
Every part of my healing has been an education. I absolutely love food, so it was important to me never to feel deprived. While the list of things I don’t eat – sugar, wheat, nightshade vegetables and dairy – sounds extensive, the incredible alternatives enable me to create amazing, clean meals without feeling as though I’m missing out. I love sharing those recipes via my blog mygoodnessrecipes.wordpress.com to demonstrate health and wellness isn’t all about broccoli and lettuce leaves.
My world has changed so dramatically, how could I go on such a phenomenal journey and not use what I’ve learnt to inspire hope in others? The results speak for themselves. The feedback I get through my website and social networking is incredibly heart-warming. These are people who come to me feeling hopeless. Seeing the difference a simple, green juice and healthy, clean diet can make never ceases to astound me.
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