Helle Hammonds’ eat-smart tips

8 April 2015 by
First published: 11 April 2015

Following GymClass owner Helle Hammonds’ eat-smart tips will give you a 365-degree approach to healthy living. After all, working up a sweat is only half the battle when it comes to staying in shape. Here are the food rules she lives by to keep her fab figure looking its best.

1. Be honest with yourself

Take a look at your diet and work out where your weaknesses are. Everyone has a weakness, be it a sweet afternoon treat, Friday-night takeaway or too much booze. When you work this out, you can look at ways to correct these bad habits – so, if you’re having sugar in the afternoon, you could switch to fruit and yoghurt; if you do have that takeaway, know where to order a healthy grilled chicken or fish option.

2. Get more sleep

Research shows that people who get a good eight hours’ sleep have greater appetite suppression. We all know when we are tired we often reach for unhealthier foods as a pick-me-up – a full night’s sleep helps us use the right foods as fuel rather than the wrong ones.

3. Fill up your plate 
…with good quality proteins, green veggies and some healthy fats.

Fat is no longer the enemy: including good fats has been proven to be beneficial in weight loss, helping you feel fully satisfied with your meal and fuller for longer. My choices would be half an avocado or some nuts and seeds.

4. Enjoy every meal

Plan your meals and make them delicious. There is no point in filling your plate full of fish if you hate it. Also whenever you do eat sit down, take time to enjoy every mouthful and feel thankful to be putting nutritious food into your body. If you enjoy your meal you are far less likely to go looking for a naught after-dinner snack or dessert!

5. Exercise regularly

This helps you fell more energised and happy. This in turn helps you with the choices you make outside the gym. Once you’re in that routine, your brain tends to think that there’s no point doing all this hard work and then eating unhealthy rubbish.