Why we heart magnesium

24 March 2014 by
First published: 9 March 2014

It’s a well-known mineral, but magnesium is essential for a healthy diet – and too often overlooked. Find out why we heart magnesium

Feeling lethargic? Magnesium helps to turn the food we eat into energy, according to the NHS and a lack of it could see you flagging. So, if you’re lacking your usual get up and go, upping your intake of this important mineral could be the answer.

But energy boosting isn’t magnesium’s only great quality. It’s also a key player when it comes to bone health, supporting the parathyroid glands which, according to the NHS help to produce the hormones which help to keep your bones in working order.

Want to make sure you’re getting your fill? Tuck into plenty of leafy green veg, nuts, spinach, brown rice and fish.

Eating these little beauties as part of a healthy diet should ensure you get as much of this nutrient as you need. But if you’re worried your levels are low, a supplement such as Healthspan magnesium tablets (£6.95, healthspan.co.uk) could help. But don’t overdo it, the Department of Health recommends you take no more than 400mg a day.