Guilt-free Christmas snacks you’ll love

1 December 2015 by
First published: 10 December 2015

Battling Christmas shoppers, contending with the turkey, deep cleaning the house before your fussy mother-in-law comes to visit…Christmas can be a hectic time. With so much going on you are often forced to grab food on the go. Unfortunately the food that’s easiest to access doesn’t seem to be the healthiest, and often we wind up reaching for a chocolate bar or packet of crisps to try and tide us over. However, this type of food will not satisfy you for long and will quickly leave you feeling tired, sluggish and hungry. Instead stock up on our four healthy on-the-go snacks. They will keep you fuller for longer and fuel you for the rest of the day.


A great on-the-go snack for busy days. A handful of nuts is packed full of healthy fats, meaning you will feel satisfied for longer. So unlike snacking on a sugary chocolate bar, you won’t be reaching for something else to eat an hour later. Research undertaken by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has shown that regular consumption of nuts can lower the risk of heart disease, type II diabetes and colon cancer.

Protein balls

Research has shown that eating more protein can support weight loss and prevent weight gain by boosting your metabolism and increasing feelings of fullness. Protein is also great for helping to build and support your muscles after a tough workout, so a high-protein snack is a great option to keep your energy up and hunger at bay. To make these, blend dates, pecans, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and chia seeds with a scoop of protein powder. Next, add small amounts of water or almond milk until a smooth, doughy consistency is formed. Shape the mix into balls and set in the fridge.

Hardboiled eggs

While it may not be the most glamorous thing to eat on-the-go, a hardboiled egg makes a great snack. It’s easy to cook and stores well – so a good option if you are in a rush. Eggs provide a great mix of healthy fats and protein, which should fill you up and give you energy throughout the day. In fact, a study conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology has also found that if you eat eggs alongside your veggies they help to improve the absorption of carotenoids (powerful antioxidants that are found in lots of fruits and veggies and are believed to help fight disease). So if you add in a side of crudités, you have one seriously nourishing snack.

Granola bars

Watch out for high sugar content in some shop-bought granola bars, instead look for sugar-free options, or even better, make your own. Bake a big batch on a Sunday so you have snacks for the week. Add oats, for good slow release carbs, nuts and seeds, for healthy fats, and honey or dates for sweetness. You can play around adding cinnamon, cacao or dried fruit. Wholegrain oats are a great source of fuel for busy days. A study conducted by the University of Kentucky suggests that consuming oats can help to lower cholesterol and keep your hearth healthy.