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Should you go organic?
First published: 2 March 2014
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You’ve probably seen organic fare in your local supermarket, or heard friends rave about their local organic store. But what does organic really mean and what are the benefits? Should you go organic? We take a closer look.
What does ‘organic’ mean?
Organic is a word that seems to bandied around and slapped on everything from fruit and veg to shampoo and conditioner. But what does it actually mean? The Soil Association defines organic food as food which is, ‘produced using environmentally and animal friendly farming methods on organic farms. These methods are legally defined and any food sold as “organic” must be strictly regulated.’ So we’re talking food that is grown and produced with environmental and animal welfare concerns in mind. And for food to be labelled as organic at least 95 per cent of the ingredients must come from organically produced plants and animals. This sounds great, but does this offer any health benefits?
What are the benefits of eating organic?
For a farm to be organic it cannot use artificial fertilisers, and this is where we start to see the health benefits of organic food. Foods grown and produced on non-organic farms are sprayed with pesticides, which can be potentially harmful, especially to babies and young children. Organic foods are also packed with nutrients and are free from additives such as aspartame.
But whether eating an organic diet can have a significant effect on health is still up for debate and researchers at Stanford University claim it will not make you healthier. The research showed that organic food was 30 per cent less likely to contain pesticides, but that there was no discernible difference in terms of nutritional content.
However it is worth bearing in mind that this research was carried out over just two years, so it’s tricky to establish the long-term benefits an organic diet might have. And a diet free from pesticides sounds like a good bet for long-term health as far as we’re concerned.
Where can I buy organic food?
Organic food is widely available in supermarkets across the country. However you might struggle to get everything you’re after, as choice can be limited. Check out your local heath shop for more options or head online for a wealth of options. We like Abel&Cole organic deliveries, Riverford Organic Farms and Planet Organic. They’re a great way to get your fill of organic fruit and veg – plus plenty of other organic goodies – without even leaving the house. Tasty and hassle free!