Go green and get lean green drink recipes

20 April 2017 by
First published: 10 January 2016

If you’ve gained a few extra pounds over the festive season or just feel sluggish and lacking in energy, shape up fast and effectively by adding a green drink to your morning routine. Green drinks are the ultimate go-to remedy to clean up your diet with minimum effort but maximum results. Nutritionist Christine Bailey’s new book Supercharged Green Juice and Smoothie Diet, £10,99, shows you just how effective and easy they are to incorporate in your diet.

Virtually every health authority recommends that we increase our intake of vegetables yet most of us fail to achieve even frequently quoted ‘five a day’. Leafy greens are particularly impressive nutritionally, packed with a wealth of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. But how many of us actually eat platefuls of greens every day? The solution? Turn them into a green drink.

So what exactly is a green drink?

Typically a green smoothie is composed of around 70-80 per cent green vegetables with 20-30 per cent fruit blended with a liquid such as water, nut milks, herbal teas or fermented drinks – like kefir and kombucha. You can then supercharge it with the addition of a superfood or a protein powder to further support your health goals. Green juices are similar but lighter, as you are simply extracting the goodness from the vegetables. They are based around leafy greens with the addition of a little fruit such as lemons and apples. This also helps keep the sugar content lower.

Green smoothies and juices are incredibly nutrient dense and basically are like a ‘glass of liquid nectar’ to rejuvenate and sustain the body. You can also use them to help get back into shape and lose any excess pounds quickly and healthily.

Here are some more reasons to try them:

Green drinks are a great source of minerals including magnesium, which is important for energy production – supporting a healthy nervous system and muscles.

They are easy to digest – whether you’re blending into a smoothie or extracting the goodness in a green juice. Your body no longer needs to work so hard to ‘break down’ the food in order to extract the nutrients. People who suffer from indigestion after eating a heavy meal will also benefit, as smoothies are filling but light.

And they’re hydrating. Most of us don’t drink enough through the day, but adding a green drink or two daily is another great way to keep the body hydrated and energised.

They are a great way to naturally boost your energy, making them perfect in the morning or at that afternoon slump.

And are great for weight loss and they tend to be lower in sugar and fruits than regular smoothies and fruit juices.

They are packed with antioxidants and nutrients to support health, aid detoxification and protect the body from disease.

They are the ultimate fast food – taking minutes to make which means they are perfect when you’re in a rush.

Green smoothies don’t really need much equipment – you can make up a smoothie with a hand blender or Nutri Bullet.

When you make up a smoothie the blending process breaks the fibre apart, which makes the fruit and vegetables easier to digest. Being full of fibre you will also find them very filling and satisfying and by helping to support blood sugar levels they can help you avoid reaching for pick me up snacks later in the day. Green juices are lighter and lower in calories but incredibly energising.

Daily benefits

If you start incorporating green drinks in your diet daily you will soon feel the benefits from the inside out. Your skin will become more radiant, energy levels will soar and you will begin to think clearer. Your body will experience deep nourishment and enable you to feel vibrant and alert. If you need to shape up they are an effective tool for healthy weight loss.

In Christine’s new book, Supercharged Green Juice and Smoothie Diet, there are a number of programmes to follow – whether you are looking for a fast, three-day cleanse or a week-long programme for something longer term. There are menu plans to follow to enable you to incorporate them whatever your health goals

Try these recipes to get you started:

Watercress wonder

Nutrient-rich watercress is an excellent health booster and a low-calorie cleansing veggie – ideal for boosting weight loss. It is known to support detoxification and its natural diuretic properties help to shift excess fluid and reduce bloating. The addition of glutamine makes this particularly effective for weight loss.

Glutamine is an extremely important dietary supplement for anyone wishing to lose weight. It is an amino acid that is primarily stored in our muscles. By supplementing with glutamine we will preserve muscle mass, which is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism as you lose weight. Glutamine will also reduce cravings for high-glycaemic carbohydrates – which cause sharp rises followed by drops in blood sugar levels – and it will make your weight-loss programme much easier.


¼ small pineapple, skin cut off

1 large handful of watercress

4 celery sticks

1 green apple

½ cucumber

½tsp glutamine powder optional


Put all the ingredients, except the glutamine, through an electric juicer. Stir in the glutamine if using, then serve immediately.

Get the glow

Grab some frozen berries and supercharged powders, and you can create an instant detox blend that will speed up cleansing, make your skin glow and help you get that slim body you long for. Mulberry leaf powder contains resveratrol, an antioxidant known to promote healthy ageing – it’s a great addition for radiant skin.


1tbsp pumpkin seeds

1tbsp collagen powder or plain or vanilla protein powder

250ml coconut milk

1 large handful of frozen mixed berries or blueberries

4 mint sprigs

1 handful of spinach leaves, chopped

1tbsp lemon juice

1tsp coconut oil

½tsp manuka or raw honey, to taste

1tsp lucuma powder optional

½tsp acai berry powder, or goji berry powder or superberry powder (optional)


Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

Stress buster

The combination of foods in this creamy shake is packed with elements that support adrenal function and restore vitality. Excess cortisol, our stress hormone, interferes with blood sugar levels and increases appetite, making us more likely to overeat. Cortisol also results in more tummy fat and can reduce our muscle mass. Use medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, if you can, to provide an instant energy lift.

Ashwagandha root is one of the most vital herbs for healing in the Ayurvedic healing system. It is a well-known adaptogen herb, which helps to balance our levels of stress hormones and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is essential for a healthy metabolism and for supporting weight loss. It is widely available from health shops but you can leave it out and use additional maca powder instead.


1 large handful cos lettuce, romaine lettuce leaves, or spinach

1tbsp almond nut butter or peanut butter

¼tsp ashwagandha powder (optional)

½tsp maca powder

1 large handful of frozen mixed berries

1tsp coconut oil

250ml coconut or almond milk

Stevia, xylitol or honey (optional), to taste


Put all the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Serve immediately.

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Go green and get lean green drink recipes
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