
23 March 2014 by
First published: 17 February 2014

Flaxseeds, also known as flax or linseeds, are tiny seeds that really pack a nutritional punch. If you’re new to healthy eating, or just haven’t given flaxseeds a go yet, you might be wondering what’s so special about this superfood? Here’s the lowdown.

Healthy fats
Good fats such as omega-3s are essential for brain function, a healthy metabolism and heart health.

Fibrous foods will boost digestive health and optimise cholesterol levels. It can also help with weight management.

Flaxseeds are rich in polyphenol antioxidants which are known for their role in the prevention of heart disease as well as insulin resistance.

B vitamins
Feeling tired or sluggish? Flaxseeds are high in B vitamins which are essential for energy release.

So how can you incorporate flaxseeds into your diet? They’re a really versatile superfood, and are easy to find in ground form, making them perfect for sprinkling – think salads, porridge and yogurt. We love Linwoods’ tasty varieties sprinkled over berries and yoghurt for breakfast. Nom nom. From £5.19.